Join Miss Immigrant USA Organization as a Patron FREE no cost.

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 Promote your culture and country with Miss Immigrant Organization


2023/2024 PROGRAM

Between Miss Immigrant Organization and Consulate General of ______________ in New York.

Disclaimer: Miss Immigrant Pageant is not a beauty pageant, it is a community activity pageant,  we are not looking for the next model type, no judging on body appearance. Therefore, there is no bikini competition.

Miss Immigrant Organization’s goal is to embolden, empower and raise the glory of immigrants and to strengthen unity within diverse communities. Together, we show support through volunteerism and community engagements with honesty, integrity, and trust.

Partnering with Miss Immigrant USA Organization offers numerous opportunities for the Consulate Generals to enhance their relationship with their diaspora communities. It fosters cultural exchange and understanding and also provides a platform for empowering immigrants, promoting unity, and encouraging collaboration. This partnership will ultimately strengthen the bond between the Consulate Generals and their diaspora, leading to shared progress and success. By partnering with the Miss Immigrant USA Organization, the Consulate General gains a unique opportunity as following:


  • Strengthening cultural ties through promoting the unique culture, history, and traditions of the homeland.
  • Empowering diaspora communities by supporting immigrants showcasing their talents and accomplishments.
  • Increasing the Consulate General’s visibility and their commitment to cultural exchange and unity.
  • Encouraging networking and collaboration among diverse cultural backgrounds, fostering stronger bonds within the diaspora and outside communities.
  • Facilitating resource sharing and development by informing the diaspora about available programs and opportunities.
  • Network with other Consulate Generals through a cultural lens, fostering informal relationships. This less official setting promotes connections based on a shared appreciation for cultural diversity and allows for genuine relationship-building that transcends traditional diplomatic protocols.

Miss Immigrant USA Organization is also a platform for promoting diverse cultures through in-person events, ethnic attire, and social media exposure. 

  • Cultural Showcase: Contestants proudly represent their heritage at events, sharing customs and traditions.
  • Cultural Awareness: The platform fosters understanding, unity, and empathy across various cultures.
  • Empowering Women: Contestants display their talents and accomplishments, inspiring others and promoting leadership.

In summary, Miss Immigrant USA is an unparalleled platform for celebrating cultural diversity, empowering women, immigrants and connecting with a global audience.

2023/2024 PROGRAM - Community Activities Pageant

Yearly Activities more then 100 events appearances. 

During the year the contestants and the three (3) winners can attend more then 100 events appearances with Miss Immigrant Organization. 

Program Description:

Miss Immigrant Program is an exclusive, one-of-a-kind initiative designed to foster multicultural understanding, empower immigrants, and provide unique opportunities for networking and personal growth. This prestigious program brings together outstanding immigrants from diverse backgrounds, allowing them to engage with influential community leaders, diplomats, elites, and other high-ranking officials.

Through a series of curated events and activities, Miss Immigrant Program offers participants an exceptional platform to:

  1. Connect with Inspiring Individuals: Interact with a network of accomplished professionals and global leaders who represent various fields, such as politics, business, culture, and academia. Learn from their insights, experiences, and perspectives on multiculturalism and global affairs.
  2. Build a Supportive Community: Forge lifelong friendships and connections with fellow participants, as well as alumni of the Miss Immigrant Program. Gain access to a network of like-minded individuals who can offer advice, and support throughout the contestant’s personal and professional journey.
  3. Showcase Cultural Heritage: Celebrate the richness and diversity of the contestants’ roots by sharing their unique traditions, values, and stories with an international audience. Raise awareness about the positive contributions that immigrants make to society.
  4. Advocate for Change: Leverage the platform provided by the Miss Immigrant Program to advocate for policies and initiatives that promote inclusivity, cultural understanding, and equal opportunities for immigrants.
  5. Gain Visibility and Recognition: Attract media attention and receive recognition for achievements, both within their community and on the global stage.

2023 National Immigrant Day – Gala Pageant

In October during the National Immigrant Day we are starting the pageant with new contestants and crowning the winner from the previous year. (Date and location – TBA).

  1. The Gala Pageant includes: 
  • Nomination Ceremony.

The 2024 contestants will be nominated by each community to participate in 2024 Miss Immigrant USA’s program to represent their heritage, culture and country. Join by September 15, 2023.

  • Crowning Ceremony. 

The 2023 contestants will participate in the crowning ceremony. In the ceremony we will announce the winners who will represent the immigrant community during 2024 appearances. Join by June 30, 2023.

  1. Judging Process: 

The contestants will be judged by:

  • Consulate General Partners representative and by three (3) representatives from each Community Partners.
  • Participation in community activities/events.
  • Representation skills (outfits, confidence, exhibiting spokesperson capabilities).
  • Social Media appearances.

In general, showcasing their culture, sharing behind-the-scenes experiences, highlighting community involvement, advocating for causes, collaborating with others, sharing personal interests, posting inspirational content, providing educational material, celebrating milestones throughout their journey, and more.

By participating in the Miss Immigrant Program, contestants will gain access to an influential network and join a community of empowered women who are breaking barriers and making a difference in the community. This unique program is a celebration of diversity and a testament to the power of unity in today’s interconnected world.

Each Consulate General is a patron of its community to participate in 2023/24 Program to promote their cultures and country.

Support your community and became a Community Patron.

As a Patron you will receive the following:

1. Media Coverage and Public Relations: announcement/advertisement becoming a community PATRON with Miss Immigrant Organization in a blog post/press release and distributed with Miss Immigrant Organization’s Press Network and Social Media Network – plus sponsored ad on social media.

2. Official Nomination: Nominate the contestant to participate in the 2024 Miss Immigrant USA’s Program at the 2023 October Gala Pageant. 

3.  Prominent Branding and Visibility: logo and name will be featured prominently on our marketing materials, event signage, and digital platforms. This will ensure high visibility and recognition as a key supporter of our initiative.

4.  Self Standing Banner at the Gala Pageant and the Cultural Festival events. 

5. An Appearance of Miss Immigrant Organization at Consulate General event if applicable. 

6. Two VIP Tickets to the 2023 National Immigrant Day Celebration – Gala Pageant​, October 2023 in New York City.

7. A Judge Seat on a confidencial pannel of judges. 

8. Immigrants Parade: a right to participate and march at the 2024 Immigrants Parade (TBA).


Two years for a price of one, if join by June 30, 2023.

  1. The 2023 contestant will participant at the 2023 program starting July 2023 and this contestant will go to the final to participate in the 2024 pageant. Join by June 30, 2023. 
  2. The 2024 contestant will be nominated to participate in the 2024 program. Join by Septemeber 15, 2023.

Each community and Consulate General should raise $18,000, and choose their contestants to participate in the 2023/24 Miss Immigrant USA Program.

  $9000 by a Community Partner


 $9000 by a Consulate General

Consulate General Join now for two years FREE – NO COST.

Join our Patrons

Join as a Super Patron

As a Super Patron, your support will be acknowledged and celebrated throughout the year. You will receive prominent mentions and social media exposure in the winner’s posts. This enduring recognition will serve as a testament to your dedication to empowering and uplifting our vibrant and diverse immigrant community.


One Available
$ 1500
  • Announcing and crowning the 2ND VICE 2024 Miss Immigrant USA at the Gala Pageant
  • Special Guest Speaker at the Gala Pageant
Super Patron


One Available
$ 2500
  • Announcing and crowning the 1ST VICE 2024 Miss Immigrant USA at the Gala Pageant
  • Special Guest Speaker at the Gala Pageant
Super Patron


One Available
$ 3500
  • Announcing and crowning the 2024 Miss Immigrant USA at the Gala Pageant
  • Special Guest Speaker at the Gala Pageant
Super Patron


$ 15000
  • Contact Miss Immigrant Organization for more information,
Super Patron

Join Miss Immigrant USA Organization as a Patron FREE no cost.

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